--> Unveiled -The Secret Submissive Within Now Available in Paperback! | BDSM Unveiled

My new book, Unveiled - The Secret Submissive Within is now available for purchase in paperback! Just follow the link below. I have also offered it at a special discount if you purchase it from Lulu.com!


Michelle Fegatofi's Unveiled The Secret Submissive Within - non fiction educational book

Post title: " Unveiled -The Secret Submissive Within Now Available in Paperback! "
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  1. Will this become available for Kindle?

  2. I am very thankful you went through all the work to pu6t this site out there to help people like myself learn more about this lifestyle. I have always been the submissive in my relationships, but never really trusted my partners enough to turn over complete control over to them. Sad to say I have lost out on the enjoyment of a truly enjoyably life with a partner I could trust. Now at my age and handicap it may never happen. Keep up the great work.


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