November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Thoughts of a BDSM Slave

This week, the USA will be celebrating Thanksgiving.

Families will gather together, eat some great food and just enjoy being together. Not everyone can be with their loved ones and some don't have anyone, so I hope this post helps those that are alone or far from families realize that there is still so much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving

I live in Italy and am extremely fortunate to have a wonderful and understanding Padrone that helps me celebrate American holidays. My family are scattered all across the USA and I won't be with them this year, but they are all in my heart and thoughts.

There are always many things to be thankful for, even during hard, lonely, or dark times. Here are things I am thankful for every day.

Gratefulness and love

  • Friendships - Having friends that you can talk to, online or real life, is always important to have. Make sure you tell them all how glad you are they in your life.
  • Health - this year there have been as many, if not more, bad days. I'm thankful for all the good ones as well as the medicines and doctors that are helping me to get better. I'm thankful for every day I wake up ready to greet whatever the day has in store for me.
  • My Padrone - he is always patient and understanding. He is loving, encouraging, protective and guiding. Even though we both identify me as his BDSM slave, he allows me freedom to be creative and pursue my passions of writing and helping people. His quirky sense of humor and serious side is the perfect balance for my own personality. 
Padrone Marco and Michelle Fegatofi
  • Family - even though they are all thousands of miles away, I'm extremely thankful they are all happy and healthy.
  • Fans and Followers - I'm so thankful for my readers. You're encouragement, comments and questions keep me thinking and motivated to continue to help others in any ways I can.  
  • Basic Needs - Housing, food and clothing fall under this category. So many people these days are always thinking of what they want and not what they have. I am so thankful that all of our basic needs are met and grateful for any extras we have. 
  • Pets - or as I like to call them, fur and feather babies! Though they can be a pain and annoying at times, pets love you unconditionally and can fill you and your heart full of love. They can also take away loneliness for those that are alone.
Pets on Thanksgiving

I  hope my own list of things to be thankful for have helped you realize that there are always things in your own life to be thankful for. May you all make your own list!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans! And wishing the rest of the world love, peace, and harmony!

Be thankful for everything


  1. Happy Thanksgiving back to you dear one from the USA down Florida way. I wish you all the happiness you give out to the ones you help out every day. Without you a lot of leather folk from the BDSM lifestyle wouldn't know or understand half of what they now do. For that I would like to say thank you personally you are truly an amazing person.
    Dawn a follower of your site and Tuesdays discussions.

  2. Thank you for this! It's a wonderful reminder of how we should strive to live. Not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday as well.
