November 18, 2012

Welcome to BDSM Unveiled!

Welcome to the launch of my new blog. This blog will feature posts and articles about the world of BDSM. I will be blogging on topics ranging from bondage, submission, Dominants, munches, relationships, training, toys, scenes and many other things all centered.

Welcome to the launch of my new blog: BDSM Unveiled.

The reason I named it BDSM Unveiled is to hopefully help guide new people into this wonderful world, help dispel all the bad and most common belief that BDSM is centered on violence and abuse, and to help further educate those that have been in the scene for a while, but still are open to learning new things and hearing a different point of view.

From time to time, I will post poems also related to the Lifestyle. I hope that this blog will become educational and help those of you that stop by navigate your own journey through the wide, various, and wonderful world of BDSM.

I will share updates on newest books and guides that I have written and when they will come out. Please feel free to send in questions to me or topics that might interest you and you wish to know more about. I do only take serious questions, so please no junk mail.

Now, a little about me and my background. I was trained as a Gorean kajira for 2 years when I was in my early 20's. Over the past 20 years, I have studied and gained much knowledge about many forms and ways to practice BDSM. My philosophy is that there is no 'right way' or 'wrong way' to practice a BDSM, D/s, or S/m lifestyle as long as its consensual and all parties involved are knowledgeable in the possible outcome of scenes.

I live with my true soul mate and Master in as a 24/7 BDSM slave. It has given me a freedom and sense of self like nothing else ever has in my life. Being His, has fulfilled every need - emotional, mental, and physical - that I have. He provides for me and it brings me the greatest pleasure in serving him.

Again, welcome, please share this link with your friends and subscribe to me via email or RSS feed to make sure you get the latest article I post!


Michelle Fegatofi